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Cadet Oath


"I pledge to serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program and that I will attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state and nation."


The mission of the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program is to provide the youth of our nation with a quality program that enhances their leadership skills through an interest in aviation, and simultaneously provide service to the United States Air Force and the local community.


The cadet program permits every cadet to develop self-discipline, teamwork, and confidence through the study and practice of leadership in an Air Force environment. Develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for understanding aerospace principles and the total impact of aerospace power upon society. Participate in a variety of special activities and programs. Develop a personal ethical foundation and an understanding of the moral issues of our time through discussion and debate. Become physically fit and develop a lifelong habit of regular exercise.


Through study and performance, cadets work through a series of achievements and milestone awards. As cadets progress, they advance in grade, increase the scope of their leadership responsibilities, earn awards, and become eligible for nationally-sponsored special activities and scholarships.


The five elements of the program are, Leadership, Aerospace Education, Physical Fitness, Moral Leadership, and Activities.  


Rack Builder


Rack Builder hosted at is the most comprehensive site for building your ribbons rack for both Cadets and Senior Members according the CAP regulation CAPR 39-3 (7FEB2012).  Some ribbons can be purchased on Tuesdays during the supplies hour at the squadron or at Vanguard.


The following changes will be incorporated into the rack builder application in the future release.


  • Gill Rob Wilson Award

    • Change options to:

      • Basic Award

      • Silver Star

      • Gold Star

    • (This adds Gold Star and removes Bronze Star.)


  • Paul E. Garber Award

    • Change options to:

      • Basic Award

      • Bronze Star

      • Silver Star

    • (This adds Silver Star.)


Cadet Programs

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