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UDF Teams    


Urban Direction finding involves the use of specialized electronic direction finding (DF) equipment to locate Emergency Location Transmitters (ELTs) or Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs)


  • ELTs are generally carried by light aircraft and gliders. They activate automatically during a crash landing, can be activated manually if the pilot is in distress. ELTs have been known to activate accidentally during a rough landing or if faulty.

  • PLBs are carried by backcountry hikers, hunters and winter sports people. They can be activated by a person who may be lost, injured or in distress.


ELT/PLB signals are picked up via a satellite and CAP can be requested to deploy UDF and Search Teams to locate the beacon and its owner.


UDF teams are generally deployed in vehicles, but may be required to hike to locations as part of a Ground Search Team (see GTM description above)


UDF teams are normally commanded by a Ground Team Leader.



Emergency Services

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