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Ground Team Members    


Ground team members form part of organized ground search teams. These teams may be deployed to cover a defined search area, looking for the mission ‘target’. The mission target is generally a missing aircraft and/or person(s).


Ground team members need to be physically fit, able to carry personal equipment for an extended search, and may have to hike several miles in rough or steep terrain.


GTMs receive extensive ground search training including:


  • Map Reading and Navigation Skills

  • Personal Survival Skills

  • First Aid

  • Communications

  • Witness Interviewing 

  • Search Techniques


GTMs who display their skills can train through three progressively more challenging levels (GTM 3 thru 1). They can also aspire to becoming a Ground Team Leader (GTL) later in their cadet ES career.


There are also specialist roles within a Search Team, such as Medic and Radio Operator. Ground Teams normally consist of 4-8 members, commanded by a Ground Team Leader


This is a role suited to those who enjoy being outdoors – in any weather!


NOTE: - GTM’s do require a fairly extensive personal equipment list. While many ‘outdoors’ cadets may already have some of those items (backpacks, wet weather gear), there is a cost involved in building up a good quality ‘24hr pack’ over time.




Emergency Services

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